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About protection from harassment proceedings

Both parties involved in a Protection from Harassment Court (PHC) application must first attend a court session where the court will attempt to resolve the dispute.

This court session is known as the case management conference (for simplified proceedings), pre-trial conference (for standard proceedings for matters commenced before 1 April 2022), or case conference (for standard proceedings for matters commenced on or after 1 April 2022).

If the matter cannot be settled, the case may proceed to mediation, further court sessions or a hearing.

Attendance is compulsory

Both parties must attend all court proceedings.

If you do not attend, the court may make a default order against you.

  • If you are the claimant (for simplified proceedings) or applicant (for standard proceedings), your application may be dismissed.
  • If you are the respondent, the court may make an order in the claimant or applicant's favour.
How you apply to change a court date depends on whether your case is under the simplified or standard proceedings.

Simplified proceedings

Apply through the Community Justice and Tribunals System (CJTS). Under the Online Applications tab, select PHC, and then select Request for Change of Court Date. For detailed instructions, refer to the CJTS user guide for protection from harassment claims (PDF, 3366 KB).

Standard proceedings

File a Request for Re-Fixing/Vacation of Hearing Dates through eLitigation.

If you are not represented by a lawyer, visit the LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau to file in person.

Note: Before you file, you have to seek consent from the other party.

All applications are subject to the court's approval. You should apply as soon as possible so that there is sufficient time for the court to process your application.

If your application is approved, the court will inform both you and the other party of the new court date. If you do not receive a response, you must attend the court session as scheduled.

Who can represent you

For individuals

You may choose to represent yourself or engage a lawyer for PHC proceedings.

If you wish to be represented by a lawyer, your lawyer needs to file a notice of appointment.

  • Simplified proceedings: File through CJTS. Under the Online Applications tab, select PHC, and then select Application for Representative.
  • Standard proceedings: File through eLitigation.

For companies, partnerships or associations

Simplified proceedings

An entity (company, partnership or association) may choose to engage a lawyer or represent itself.

If the entity chooses not to engage a lawyer, the following individuals may represent the entity (1).

  • Company: a full-time employee or officer.
  • Limited liability partnerships a full-time employee, officer or partner.
  • Partnership: a full-time employee or partner.
  • Unincorporated association: a member of the governing body or full-time employee.

Standard proceedings

Companies, limited liability partnerships or unincorporated associations need to be represented by a lawyer, according to the applicable Rules of Court.

Checklist before going to the PHC

Refer to the following on what you should prepare before attending a PHC proceeding.

Prepare the explanation for your case

You should be prepared to explain your case to the PHC in detail.

(If needed) Submit your supporting evidence

If the court instructs you to submit evidence, ensure you have filed the documents before the deadline. Find out the guidelines you need to follow to prepare and submit evidence.

You need to bring along the following documents to court:

  • NRIC or passport, or other forms of personal identification (such as employment pass, if applicable).
  • All of the documents submitted to the court.
    • All documents that are not in English should be accompanied by English translations.
You must be properly attired for court proceedings. Shorts and slippers are not allowed.

Find out more about the attire and etiquette expected in court.

Need help?

The information here is for general guidance as the courts do not provide legal advice. If you need further help, you may want to get independent legal advice.

Find out more


Legislation associated with this topic includes:
Go to Step-by-step guide

Step-by-step guide


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