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What is a protection from harassment case management conference, pre-trial conference or case conference

The first court session for a Protection from Harassment Court (PHC) case depends on whether the case is under the simplified or standard proceedings:

  • Simplified: case management conference (CMC).
  • Standard: pre-trial conference (PTC) (for matters commenced before 1 April 2022) or case conference (CC) (for matters commenced on or after 1 April 2022).

A CMC, PTC or CC is a court session in which a deputy registrar will attempt to resolve the dispute between both parties involved in the case.

The CMC, PTC or CC is usually scheduled 4 weeks after the application is filed.

Both parties must attend the court session. Find out what happens if you do not attend and how to change the court date.

Before the court session

Refer to this checklist on what to prepare before going to court.

During the court session

During the CMC, PTC or CC, all parties involved in the case will meet with a deputy registrar to discuss the case. The deputy registrar may facilitate a discussion to give you and the other party an opportunity to resolve your dispute.

Possible outcomes

If a settlement is reached

If parties reach a settlement, the deputy registrar may record a consent order to reflect their agreement. The case ends.

If a settlement is not reached

If parties do not reach a settlement during the CMC, PTC or CC, the court may refer the case for mediation or counselling, to help parties explore a settlement without going for trial.

What happens next depends on the outcomes of mediation or counselling:

  • If a settlement is reached, the case will conclude.
  • If a settlement is not reached, the parties will be given another CMC, PTC or CC date. The case may then be scheduled for a hearing, which both parties must attend.

Need help?

The information here is for general guidance as the courts do not provide legal advice. If you need further help, you may want to get independent legal advice.

Find out more


Legislation associated with this topic includes:

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