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This page describes the process for a divorce application on a normal track.

Refer to File a divorce application (simplified track) if you and your spouse can reach an agreement on the divorce and all ancillary matters before filing the divorce papers.

Arriving for a hearing

The court will send a Registrar's Notice to notify parties (or their lawyers, if any) of the date to attend the ancillary matters hearing.

Parties do not have to attend the hearing if they are represented by a lawyer. If you are representing yourself, on the day of your hearing, you should:

  • Arrive early and find your way to the venue.
  • Confirm your case is heard in the venue you are about to enter. Inform the court officer (if any) before entering.
  • Dress neatly and decently when attending court.
  • Speak and conduct yourself in a courteous manner.

If you are absent without a valid reason, the court may proceed with the hearing in your absence.

What to expect

During the ancillary matters hearing, the court will take into account various factors to achieve a fair result with regards to the ancillary matters before making the orders.

Parties will need to ensure that they follow these orders. This may include selling the Housing & Development Board (HDB) flat (if applicable) and ensuring that maintenance is paid or received as agreed.

If you are not satisfied: appeal

If you are not satisfied with all or any part of the orders, you may appeal to the Family Division of the High Court by filing a Notice of Appeal.

You need to file and serve the notice within 14 days from the date the orders were made.

You must also provide security for the other party’s costs of the appeal. This will cost $3,000.

Find out about the appeal process.

Extract the Certificate of Final Judgment

Extracting the Certificate of Final Judgment finalises and completes the divorce process.

Parties (or their lawyers, if applicable) may proceed to extract the Certificate of Final Judgment 3 months after the court has granted the Interim Judgment, or when all the ancillary matters relating to the children (if applicable) have been resolved, whichever is later.


You will need to apply for leave (permission) of court to extract the Certificate of Final Judgment if 1 year has passed from the date of the Interim Judgment.

If you are representing yourself, you must prepare the Certificate of Final Judgment Form (Form 33, Family Justice Courts (FJC) Practice Directions) before heading down personally to the LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau to extract the Final Judgment.

You must follow Part 5 of Division 2 of the Family Justice Rules and the FJC Practice Directions to prepare their documents.


A party cannot remarry until the Interim Judgment has been made final (confirmed) and after the ancillary matters are resolved, subject to the expiry of the 3 months.

Estimated fees

Parties will have to pay $14 to extract the Final Judgment.

In addition to this fee, there are also other fees payable to the LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau.

Apply to vary a court order

Parties may consider applying to vary (change) a court order if there is a material change in circumstances of either party or of their children (if applicable).

If you are the party applying to vary the court order, you will have to file a summons (Form 4, FJC Practice Directions) supported by an affidavit.

The affidavit should include the following:

  • Full particulars of your property and income (if applicable).
  • The grounds (reasons) for your application.

Find out how to prepare an affidavit.

Need help?

The information here is for general guidance as the courts do not provide legal advice. If you need further help, you may want to get independent legal advice.

Find out more


Refer to:

Go to Step-by-step guide

Step-by-step guide


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