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Vision, mission and values

The Singapore Judiciary strives constantly to innovate and evolve to be ready for the challenges they will face in an increasingly complex world. They are guided by their vision and shared core values. The mission statement from each court defines its main purpose and how they will achieve them.

VMV hero image

Refer to the mission of the:

Supreme Court

MissionAccessible justice that commands trust, respect and confidence.

The Supreme Court sets targets for waiting periods in various court processes as part of our commitment to provide quality public service. The Supreme Court targets to achieve at least 90% compliance with all targets set.

State Courts

MissionAccessible justice through quality judgments, appropriate dispute resolution and innovative court services.
Qualities of a trusted and forward-looking Judiciary
  • Optimal outcomes.
  • Fair process.
  • Timely decisions.
  • Innovative.
  • Transparent.

The State Courts are committed to delivering timely and quality justice. The State Courts target to comply with the timelines set in the Court Charter (PDF, 821 KB) in at least 80% of the cases.

Family Justice Courts

MissionMaking justice accessible to families and youth through effective counselling, mediation and adjudication.

The Family Justice Courts (FJC) are committed to the fair and timely resolution of family cases. The FJC targets to comply with the timelines set in the Court Charter (PDF, 406 KB) in at least 80% of the cases.

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