1. Further to the earlier announcement on 18 January 2024 providing a sample set of court forms, the new Family Justice Courts Practice Directions (“FJCPD”) in draft version is now attached for interim reference.
2. The draft FJCPD contains the PD requirements and court forms for all proceedings heard in FJC. This includes:
3. With the primary objective of helping court users navigate between the Rules, FJCPD paragraphs and court forms easily, FJC adopted a different approach when drafting the new FJCPD. Beyond the changes to the contents, the key changes to the new FJCPD include:
(d) including a list of applicable forms where the particular type of proceedings uses forms from other rules (e.g. Rules of Court 2021).
4. Please note that the draft is subject to the new Family Justice Rules that will be gazetted later in 2024 and to further amendments. The final FJCPD will be published in due course.