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Amendment No. 1 of 2022 (Practice Directions 2021)

Amendment No. 1 of 2022 of the Supreme Court Practice Directions 2021 contains amendments to Parts 1, 2, 3, 9 and 17 and Appendices A and B, and introduces a new Part 23 and a new Appendix I of the Supreme Court Practice Directions 2021. The amendments are summarised below:

  1. amendments to paragraph 3 on References to written laws;
  2. amendments to paragraph 20 on Filing directions to the Accountant-General for payment in or payment out or furnishing security for costs by depositing monies in the Registry;
  3. amendments to paragraph 32 on Establishment of Electronic Filing Service and appointment of electronic filing service provider;
  4. amendments to paragraph 69 on Applications to be heard in open court;
  5. amendments to paragraph 155 on Applications for appraisement and sale;
  6. introduction of new Part 23 on Simplified Process for certain Intellectual Property Claims;
  7. introduction of new Form 99 (Limited Civil Restraint Order) under Appendix A;
  8. introduction of new Form 100 (Extended Civil Restraint Order) under Appendix A;
  9. introduction of new Form 101 (General Civil Restraint Order) under Appendix A;
  10. introduction of new Form 102 (Order under section 74(1) of Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1969) under Appendix A;
  11. amendments to Form B19 (Appeals Information Sheet) under Appendix B;
  12. introduction of new Form I1 (Form for Election) under Appendix I; and
  13. introduction of new Form I2 (Form for Abandonment of Claim for Monetary Relief in Excess of $500,000) under Appendix I.

It is further notified that all references in the Supreme Court Practice Directions 2021 to Forms 1 to 45 of Appendix B will be replaced with references to Forms B1 to B45, respectively, of that Appendix.

The amendments will take effect on 1 April 2022 and will be reflected at from 1 April 2022.

Please find attached a document reflecting the marked-up amendments to the Supreme Court Practice Directions 2021:

Download amendment

Supreme Court Amendment No. 1 Of 2022 (Practice Directions 2021)


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