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Amendment No. 1 of 2022 (Practice Directions 2013)

Amendment No. 1 of 2022 of the Supreme Court Practice Directions 2013 contains amendments to Parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, X, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVIII and XXII and Appendix A of the Supreme Court Practice Directions 2013. The amendments are summarised below:

  1. amendments to paragraph 1 on Citation;
  2. amendments to paragraph 1A on Definitions;
  3. amendments to paragraph 4 on Updating;
  4. amendments to paragraph 5 on Applicability of Practice Directions;
  5. amendments to paragraph 7 on Registrar’s Circulars;
  6. introduction of new paragraph 10A on Hearings by video conferencing or telephone conferencing;
  7. amendments to paragraph 12 on Duty Registrar;
  8. amendments to paragraph 15 on The Central Display Management System;
  9. amendments to paragraph 17 on Court dress;
  10. amendments to paragraph 20 on Interpreters and translation;
  11. amendments to paragraph 21 on Production of record of hearing;
  12. amendments to paragraph 24 on Access to case file, inspection, taking copies and searches;
  13. amendments to paragraph 24A on Personal Data;
  14. amendments to paragraph 26 on Filing directions to the Accountant-General for payment into and out of Court;
  15. amendments to paragraph 27 on Requests and other Correspondence;
  16. amendments to paragraph 28 on Authorisation for collection of mail and Court documents;
  17. amendments to paragraph 29 on Electronic payment of Court fees;
  18. amendments to paragraph 29A on Publication of and reports and comments on Court cases;
  19. amendments to paragraph 30 on Originating Summonses;
  20. amendments to paragraph 31 on Identification numbers to be stated in cause papers;
  21. amendments to paragraph 38 on Summonses to be heard in open Court;
  22. amendments to paragraph 45 on Electronic discovery plans during general discovery;
  23. amendments to paragraph 52 on Supply of copies of electronically stored documents;
  24. amendments to paragraph 56 on Witnesses;
  25. amendments to paragraph 59 on Documentary exhibits to affidavits;
  26. amendments to paragraph 60 on Swearing or affirming of documents by deponents who are blind or illiterate in English;
  27. amendments to paragraph 66 on Fixing of hearing dates;
  28. amendments to paragraph 70 on Bundle of documents filed on setting down;
  29. amendments to paragraph 74 on Citation of judgments;
  30. amendments to paragraph 80 on Sale of immovable property;
  31. amendments to paragraph 80A on Examination of Judgment Debtor;
  32. amendments to paragraph 98 on Taxations involving the Official Assignee, the Official Receiver, the Public Trustee or the Director of Legal Aid;
  33. amendments to paragraph 101 on Establishment of Electronic Filing Service and appointment of electronic filing service provider;
  34. amendments to paragraph 102 on Appointment of agent to establish service bureau;
  35. amendments to paragraph 108 on Filing documents through service bureau;
  36. amendments to paragraph 109 on Filing of documents to the Supreme Court through a State Courts service bureau;
  37. amendments to paragraph 118 on Timelines for filing;
  38. amendments to paragraph 121 on Applications to use the Video Conference Facilities and Usage of Additional Equipment;
  39. amendments to paragraph 122 on Applications to use the Mobile Infocomm Technology Facilities;
  40. amendments to paragraph 124 on Arrest of ships;
  41. amendments to paragraph 130A on Applications for appraisement and sale;
  42. amendments to paragraph 134 on Applications for admission as an advocate and solicitor of the Supreme Court;
  43. amendments to paragraph 154 on Information to be provided in cause papers and documents that are filed in the Legal Registry of the Supreme Court;
  44. amendments to paragraph 157 on File inspection and obtaining hard copy extracts or certified true copies of documents; and
  45. amendments to Form 27 (Appeals Information Sheet) under Appendix A.

The amendments will take effect on 1 April 2022 and will be reflected at from 1 April 2022.

Please find attached a document reflecting the marked-up amendments to the Supreme Court Practice Directions 2013:

Download amendment

Supreme Court Amendment No. 1 Of 2022 (Practice Directions 2013)


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