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This page describes the process for filing a divorce application on a normal track.

Refer to File a divorce application (simplified track) if you and your spouse can reach an agreement on the divorce and all ancillary matters before filing the divorce papers.

What you will need

If you are filing the divorce application (the plaintiff) against your spouse (the defendant), you should prepare the following:

The Writ for Divorce

Form 3, Family Justice Courts (FJC) Practice Directions.

The Statement of Claim

Form 6, FJC Practice Directions.

A Statement of Claim should contain all the following:

The Statement of Particulars

Form 8, FJC Practice Directions.

A Statement of Particulars should explain the facts of how your marriage has irretrievably broken down (as stated in the Statement of Claim) and details of any pending bankruptcy proceedings (if applicable).

You must also attach the following together with the Statement of Particulars:

  • A copy of your marriage certificate.
  • The search results related to bankruptcy proceedings (if applicable).

(If you have any children under 21 years of age)

The Plaintiff's Proposed Parenting Plan Form

Form 11, FJC Practice Directions.

(If you have any children under 21 years of age)

Certificate of completion for the Mandatory Co-Parenting Programme (CPP)

It is compulsory for you to attend the CPP conducted by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) before filing for a divorce.

(If you own a Housing & Development Board (HDB) flat with the defendant)

The Plaintiff's Proposed Matrimonial Property Plan Form

Form 14, FJC Practice Directions.

You may wish to contact the HDB on your options regarding the flat.

The Memorandum of Appearance (MOA) (Defendant) Form

Form 18, FJC Practice Directions.

The Acknowledgment of Service (Defendant) Form

Form 17, FJC Practice Directions.

Estimated fees

Refer to the following to find out the possible fees for filing and serving your divorce papers. You may also refer to Part 6 of the Fifth Schedule of the Family Justice Rules for the full list of court fees.

In addition to the fees listed in the table, there are also other fees payable to the LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau.

Item or service


File the Writ for Divorce


File a Statement of Claim


File a Statement of Particulars


File the Plaintiff’s Proposed Matrimonial Property Plan


File the Plaintiff’s Proposed Parenting Plan


File the Memorandum of Appearance


File the Acknowledgment of Service


Need help?

The information here is for general guidance as the courts do not provide legal advice. If you need further help, you may want to get independent legal advice.

Find out more


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Step-by-step guide


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