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Receiving a Notice of Eviction

If you have received a Notice of Eviction, it means:

You will be known as the execution debtor.

If you are a tenant

If you do not own the land or property you are currently occupying (a tenant), you will also have to vacate the land or property as instructed in the Notice of Eviction.

It is the execution debtor’s duty to inform the tenant of the Notice of Eviction. If you are a tenant and have been informed by the Sheriff’s Office or the Bailiffs Section to vacate the land or premises, you should contact your landlord for more information.

On the day of eviction

On the date and time indicated in the Notice of Eviction, the Sheriff or the bailiffs and the execution creditor (or their representative) may enter into the premises and take possession of the property.

You should observe certain rules to facilitate the property possession process.

You should...

You should not...

  • Co-operate by allowing the Sheriff or the bailiffs and the judgment creditor (or their representative) to enter the premises.
  • Interfere with the property possession process.

You must vacate the premises once the Sheriff or the bailiffs take possession of the property. After the Sheriff or the bailiffs have taken possession of the premises, you must seek the permission of the execution creditor or their lawyers (if any) if you wish to re-enter the premises.

Need help?

The information here is for general guidance as the courts do not provide legal advice. If you need further help, you may want to get independent legal advice.

Find out more


Legislation associated with this topic include Order 45 and 46 of the Rules of Court.

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